Holiday Gifts for Montrose Colorado Dads
Kids get to have all the fun around the holidays. Everything about this time of year is for kids: time-off (only kids get that as a guarantee), what treats are served at family gatherings, celebrating the passge of time on New Year's Eve. Honestly, don't even get me started on presents, but when was the last time your dad looked like he was having a good holiday?
I know, Moms are beloved, and they don't get nearly the respect that they deserve. But it cannot be denied: with the exception of Father's Day, dads kind of get the shaft when it comes to major holidays. I'm 34 now, and I cannot, for the life of me, remember a single time that I've seen my dad excited to receive anything on any holiday. Sure, he'd be happy when we kids got stuff, but how excited can a grown man truly be over a new pair of khakis and a beard-trimmer?
To that end, I've decided to send a little bit of holiday joy to just the dads out here in Montrose. Many of you work hard (as do moms) all year long, only to be rewarded with low wages and screaming kids that don't go back to school until January. If that's your life, we share your pain, and this one is for you.
Well, technically this is a list of gifts for you, and people don't generally buy themselves gifts unless they're sad. So, really this list is for dads by-proxy: gifts for those of us with hard working dads who deserve a little something to say "thanks for all your work" in a world that expects you to make money. Happy holidays, dads. Hopefully those darn kids will leave you alone for at least a day this holiday season!