What is That One Food Item from Montrose You Could Eat Everyday?
I love checking out the local restaurants in Montrose. So many wonderful places to go and menu items to enjoy. I'm on a budget, so I don't get to eat out often, but when I do, I have a few favorites on my list. If you are unsure where to go locally for some tasty eats, check these out.
1. Panda Palace Twice Cooked Pork. - 531 S Townsend Ave, Montrose, CO
My two personal favs are the Honey Walnut Chicken and Twice Cooked Pork. Portions big enough to get 4 full days out of it.
2. The Stone House Liver and Onions. - 1415 Hawk Pkwy, Montrose, CO
I know, I know. Liver and Onions? People always talk about how much they can't stand Liver and Onions period. Yet, it's one of their biggest sellers. Once again, big portions enough to last a few days. Even when I used to frequent and Old Town Buffet back in the day. It was the liver and onions bin that always needed filled.
3. The Horsefly's Rocky Mountain Oysters. - 846 E Main St, Montrose, CO
Try these with their Thai Peanut dipping sauce. Wowza. Delicious.
4. Double Barrel Taco Tacos, Duh - 347 E Main St, Montrose, CO
The Double Barrel Taco and the Notorious P.I.G tacos are to die for.
5. Camp Robber Cab Cakes and Fried Artichoke hearts - 1515 Ogden Road, Montrose
I crave their Crab cakes with Remoulade Sauce and their Fried Artichoke Hearts with Green Chile Aioli Sauce. My Gramma made fried Artichokes on a weekly basis. Camp Robber brings back those wonderful memories every time a take a bite.

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