You may be aware of the Community Dinner that happens at Friendship Hall for Thanksgiving, but did you know the history? In 1980 Pastor John DeSanto of the United Presbyterian Church in Montrose, was challenged by a young intern to organize a free Thanksgiving Dinner for people living alone. Or people passing through without a place to go, or people out of work, or people just wanting to share their Thanksgiving with others.

From then to now

All these years later, Montrose Community Dinners (MCD) continues this same tradition. The Community Thanksgiving Dinner has gone through some changes in organization and size, but has remained true to the original challenge.


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With 150 turkeys donated, this community dinner relies on the generosity of numerous sponsors and donors who provide funds and in-kind donations. The continuous support of the business community, service clubs, and other organizations is a necessity for the success of the annual events. New supporters are always encouraged and welcome. Donations are tax deductible.

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Besides the financial donations, about 400 volunteers create a day of community giving with hours of food preparation, hall setup and decorations, and a day of serving. To make each Thanksgiving Day a success and the dinner run smoothly, the MCD Board begins planning in August. Each Board member has assigned duties which contribute to creating a Thanksgiving Day experience for the community. The Reward is seeing happy, satisfied diners makes all of the board smile. For deliveries call (970) 318-6759. If you'd like to volunteer for this upcoming Thursday, call (970) 318-6924.

Thank you to everyone that make this all possible for the Community. Happy Thanksgiving!


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