Here's another round of classic images out of Western Colorado by the late Robert Grant. All images here feature Grand Junction area events prior to 1985.
Here's another round of classic Grand Junction, Colorado photos by the late Robert Grant. These were found in an album of prints labeled "Bob's Miscellaneous Black and White Photos."
These photos feature fascinating people and places in Grand Junction from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and a few shots from the 80s...
Did you ever visit the Sirloin Stockade at 12th and Orchard in Grand Junction, Colorado? If you were around in the 1970s, you probably worked there. Date yourself with memories from these awesome, and in most cases long gone, Grand Junction businesses.
We have several months to wait before Grand Junction, Colorado's next airshow rolls around. In the meantime, check out these classic Robert Grant photos of past airshows.
Do you remember when they built St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction, Colorado? Take a look back at construction projects from the Grand Junction area with these Robert Grant photos.
How's your Monday going? Mine got off to a horrific start. It looks as though I'm not alone. Here's a short gallery of photos from Grand Junction, Colorado's past featuring people who probably wish they'd stayed in bed.
It's been snowing in Grand Junction, Colorado for close to 24 hours, and there's no end in sight. If you love snow, or even if you don't, you'll have fun with these classic Robert Grant photos of Western Colorado winters of the past.
Grand Junction, Colorado can expect snow again this Friday, December 2, 2022, and again on Sunday. To get you in the mood, check out these classic Robert Grant photos from Western Colorado of the 1940s and 50s.
Get ready to go back in time to Western Colorado of the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and maybe a shot or two of the 70s. These Robert Grant images were recently discovered in a file on his son-in-law's computer.