I can still remember the announcement from back in 2022. In the fall, Colorado Parks and Wildlife announced that Mesa County's Highline Lake was the state's first body of water recognized as being infested with Zebra Mussels.

Read More: Highline Lake Is Colorado's First Lake Categorized As Infested

Fast forward to today and the problem has gotten worse. The Zebra Mussels are now in the Colorado River. Since the Grand Valley is pretty much one big canal, the mussels could impact everything from farming to ranching, even the orchards growing our sweet Colorado peaches.

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Zebra Mussels in the Colorado River

Colorado River
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The Colorado River flows from its headwaters in the Rocky Mountains, through the state to the Grand Valley, and then on to seven other states. It's one of the worst possible places for a zebra mussel infestation. Earlier this year, the Colorado River upstream of Highline Lake tested positive for larval zebra mussels, called veligers.

Mesa County Drafts Presidential Request

Presidential Seal
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KKCO, News 11 reports that Mesa County Commissioner Bobbie Daniel has written a letter to the President along with county officials supporting a Federal Grant opportunity for the county. The invasive zebra mussels have damaged the county's water infrastructure. As the damage continues it's going to impact the valley's food producers.

Read More: How Deep Is The Colorado River?

Save the Colorado River from Zebra Mussels

Boat on the water
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While the water infrastructure can be repaired, stopping the spread of zebra mussels is up to the residents of the county as much as anyone else. Because the mussel infestation keeps spreading, lines will be longer at the boat ramps and people will spend less time on the water waiting for an inspection.

LOOK: Colorado River Bad Google Reviews

These are some of the worst Google reviews, three stars or less, for the Colorado River.

Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan

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Colorado's Gunnison River is the largest tributary of the Colorado River, stretching from the Continental Divide to Grand Junction, Colorado. Keep reading to learn twelve facts you may not have known about one of Western Colorado's most important waterways.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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Colorado's San Miguel River is one of the best places to enjoy floating, fishing, and hiking on the Western Slope from July to September. Beginning high in the San Juan Mountains south of Telluride, the San Miguel River travels along the Uncompaghre Plateau into Montrose County, where it joins with the Dolores River.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams