With any luck, you'll live your life from one end to the other without ever having to hire the services of a lawyer. Unfortunately for Colorado, it seems we search for legal services more than most other states.

A new study indicates that two Colorado cities rank in the top 20 in the United States when it comes to searching for a lawyer. One Colorado community finished in the top five.

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Lawyers In The United States

According to Lawpay.com, the American Bar Association reports about 1.33 million active attorneys in the U.S. Since 2019. That number is a slight drop from the total of 1.35 million prior to 2019.

Colorado Searching For a Lawyer

A new study from Florida personal injury lawyers Anidjar & Levine determined which states are most likely to search for a lawyer. The study analyzed 150 of the most populous cities in the United States and the number of times each city Google searched a variety of terms related to lawyers.

Search criteria included:

  • motorcycle accident lawyer
  • personal injury lawyer
  • lawyer
  • best auto accident attorney
  • immigration attorney
  • medical malpractice lawyer
  • how much do lawyer
  • rocket lawyer

You may have just asked yourself, "What is a rocket lawyer?" In this case, a rocket lawyer has nothing to do with aerospace or NASA. According to bootsuite.com, "Rocket Lawyer is an online platform that has a team of licensed attorneys who offer legal advice and aim to resolve all your legal needs. Rocket Lawyer has assisted over 20 million consumers with various legal matters, and it is now a leading online law firm."

Two Colorado Cities In The Top 20 When Searching for a Lawyer

Results from the study by Anidjar & Levine indicate the two Colorado cities most likely to Google search for a lawyer are:

  • #4 - Denver
  • #20 - Colorado Springs

Looking at the results of the study, Denver, with a population of 713,252, had a total of 29,062 searches. That would equal 407 searches for every 10,000 residents.

Colorado Springs, with a population of 486,248 people, had 9,201 searches. That totals 189 Google searches for every 10,000 residents.

Now For The Good News

While those numbers may seem high, Colorado can take a little comfort in the knowledge they aren't as bad off as Atlanta, Georgia. That city, with a population of 499,127, had a total of 26,912 Google searches for lawyers. That comes to 539 searches for every 10,000 residents.

Two Colorado Cities In Top 20 In America When Needing a Lawyer

A new study from Florida personal injury lawyers Anidjar & Levine determined which states are most likely to search for a lawyer. The study analyzed 150 of the most populous cities in the United States and the number of times each city Google searched a variety of terms related to lawyers.

Check out the gallery below, and you'll find Colorado has two cities landing in the top 20.

Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan

18 State Laws Colorado Residents Want to Get Rid Of

As Colorado residents, we're asking you what state laws you think are outdated or unnecessary. Would you get rid of the state income tax or something else? Scroll through the comments below to see which laws Colorado is ready to get rid of.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

Strangest Laws in Colorado You're Probably Breaking Right Now

We all try our hardest to follow the law, even when we don't agree with them. We took a look at some of Colorado's laws and discovered a few that make no sense at all.

We know drinking and driving is illegal, but did you know riding a horse while intoxicated is illegal. Or take a mule or donkey into a building could get you in trouble.

And whoever threw a missile at a car is someone we'd like to meet.

Take a look at Colorado's most outrageous laws on the books.

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