Is There Really Life Outside of Colorado?
Before you start wondering if this is another post about our great state of Colorado, it is kind of. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't read on. I will start by saying, "Yes, our Centennial State is an incredible place to live. We all know it, or else we wouldn't be here. We are just minutes away from majestic mountains to ski, fish, hike, and ride. We don't have to go far to enjoy those many things many of us take for granted.
One of the many things we found out thru a Facebook post recently, many Coloradans don't ski at all. That's just crazy to me. Granted, I haven't skied in years, but that's just because I'm fat and out of shape.
I decided to reach out beyond our state's borders just for this segment. We decided to dive deeper into our next question. "What is one thing you've always wanted to do but haven't yet?"
We have many recreational events within our great state of Colorado. Here are a few ideas our listeners, would like to try within Colorado.
Kenneth & Courtney Say - Skydiving
Sky Dive
Debbie R. - River rafting.
River Rafting begins Now
Robert E. - Fly a Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt
Tami Thye - I've always wanted to try caviar. Not just try it, but have a whole caviar experience with different flavors of Billinis, paired with the perfect vodkas, wines, and champagnes
Blini with Sour Cream and Real Black Caviar
Many other answers took us outside of Colorado.
Here are just some of the ideas you, our listeners, came up with.
Chuck G. - Trip to Hawaii
Amy A - Mount Rushmore It's on the list for sure!
Mount Rushmore Vacation
Angel R. - Gone to the Oregon/Washington area. Hike in the Hoh Forest. Be somewhere when it rains all the time.
Jennifer W. - Go to the Smithsonian Institute, learn sign language, learn how to play hand bells
Nicole W. - Go to England and visit all the historical sights and castles.
Carolyn W. - See the Aurora Borealis in person
Northern Lights in Norway
Lizanne W. - Go to the Rose Parade in Pasadena. I hear it smells amazing.
128th Tournament Of Roses Parade Presented By Honda
Erin S. - Visited Ireland
Visit Northern Ireland
Nancy L. - Travel Europe
Finally, John M. says, "mine is very simple, tell a very good friend I have a thing for her, but her husband wouldn't like that, he is very jealous.
Tim B. - I've never left the state of Colorado and don't want to...
We understand Tim. We Love it here in Colorado as well.
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