Grand Junction Colorado Race Cars and Their Drivers
Grand Junction, Colorado has been home to outstanding auto racing for some time. No matter which decade, Western Colorado has seen its share of amazing drivers and the cars they love.
Earlier in 2022, I posted a short gallery of Robert Grant photos featuring racers and their machines from the Grand Junction area. People enjoyed it and contacted me requesting more photos.

Awesome Race Cars Out of Grand Junction Colorado
The photographer responsible for these images, Robert Grant, was something of a motorhead himself. While not a master mechanic, he acquired something of a penchant for autos and motorcycles while serving in India and China during World War II.
The images here are from his personal stash, not work done for the Daily Sentinel. I used to go to the races with my grandpa, usually out in the middle of the boonies. He could make something of a nuisance of himself while attempting to talk shop with the racers.
Grand Junction Wants More Photos
Not long after I published the first batch of race car photos, a local car enthusiast, Richard Sroufe, contacted me requesting more photos. So, with that, here are some newly discovered images.
Several Decades of Grand Junction Colorado History Represented
These images came from two sources. The previously published photos came from a box of prints labeled "People Unidentified." It is one of many boxes in my storage room containing Robert Grant's photos. The new additions came from a recently-discovered collection of Bob's negatives.
Sorry, but once again, I have little information to go with these photos. Fortunately for all of us, one of Bob Grant's trademarks was to include some kind of landmark in each photo. You'll notice you can spot the Grand Mesa, or in some cases the Bookcliffs, in most photos.
You're a Part of This, Too
Like always with these Bob Grant photo galleries, keep your eyes open for someone you recognize. This is part of the fun. Every time I publish one of these someone ends up recognizing someone.
There's a story as to how I found these photos. A few months ago I published a post showcasing Grand Junction residents. One was a photo of a gentleman standing next to an amazing hot rod. A woman contacted me stating she knew the identity of the person in the photo. She also asked for a copy of the print (which is always okay). While searching for that original print, I found the images in this gallery.
Searching out, digitizing, and cataloging Bob Grant's personal photo library is going to take the rest of my life. It's a dreadfully slow pain in the buns, but it's also a ton of fun.
Here are a handful of Robert Grant photos of Grand Junction racers and their machines for your viewing pleasure and hopefully a chance for you to spot someone you recognize.